Personal Automobile Damage

Personal Automobile Damage

If your automobile is involved in an accident or any incident resulting in damage, it's crucial to gather the following details:

  1. Incident Information: Note the date, time, location, and prevailing weather conditions when the incident occurred.
  2. Driver Information: Collect the name, address, and phone number of each driver involved, as well as the registered owner of each vehicle.
  3. Driver's License and Insurance: Record the driver's license number, insurance company, and policy number for each driver.
  4. Vehicle Details: Note the license plate number of each vehicle involved.
  5. Passengers and Witnesses: Obtain the names and phone numbers of any passengers or witnesses at the scene.
  6. Injury Details: If injuries are involved, document them as accurately as possible.
  7. Photographs and Documentation: If it's safe to do so, take photos of the incident and damages. Try to obtain a copy of any witness statements and the police report. Keep all supporting documents and insurance-related information, including photographs.

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